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Friday, November 1, 2013

Exercises For Weight Loss

Being overweight has its share of health issues. It has been reported that about 300,000 people die each year due to weight or obesity related complications. This refers to people from a cross section of society who have a BMI or body mass index of 25-29 which t many experts is considered overweight. Obesity now affects over 25% of the US population and more and more people are realizing that obesity kills. People that are overweight struggle with sleep problems, breathing problems, susceptibility to disease and illness, chronic fatigue not to mention a low self-esteem because the medial peddles people who are obese as abnormal and those that are skinny as the ideal.

Obesity is brought about by a number of reasons. One of them is eating more than the body is breaking down through the normal body metabolism. This causes excess fat to accumulate in many cases in the belly area and cause someone to be overweight. Then there are people that are overweight not because they over-eat, but because they have a genetic malfunction which causes their overall body metabolism to slow and food to be digested slowly. Others get overweight because of a combination of all of the above not to mention the contributing factor of a sedentary life. This means a life that is devoid of exercise and little movement. In the US, a lot of people live this life because of using their vehicles even for short distances. But there are some exercise that one can embark on to battle weight gain.

Running is one of the exercises that one can get into to combat obesity. In most places, enrolling in a gym is not even necessary. One can run in their neighborhood or compound. Walking is another. This does not involve much but just 20 minutes a day.

4 Rapid Weight Loss Tips

Do you keep losing control of your weight loss efforts? Give in to cravings then feel guilty and depressed afterwards? Is lose weight hard problem for you? If your answer "Yes", you are not alone. Many people have feel the same as you. They try many solutions for this problem - pill, supplement or extreme diet. But sometimes doesn't really work.

Here are 4 rapid weight loss tips for you and tips for lose fat in stomach:

1. Exercise. It doesn't have to be expensive and exhausting. Example: walking. Walking is the best form of exercise and it's free. Don't overdo it at first, then gradually speed up and walk further. And always keep on your mind to do active activities every day. Just walk a few blocks at your home or office can be the natural fat burners.

2. Drink lots of water. At least 2 litres every day. Beware of soft drinks, such as cola. It contains high calorie.

3. Don't skip meals, especially at breakfast. That is will help you decrease your appetite. So you will eat less at lunch or dinner. That is also give you more power to do your daily activity.

4. Nutrition in your foods are the most important thing to lose the belly fat. Therefore, watching what you eat to help you stay focus. Some foods are better for your health and good diet: Blueberries and cranberries. Those are rich in antioxidants, low in calories, and can add a natural sweetness to any dish.

Losing belly fat can be fun. Just follow the tips above and you are on your way to looking healthier. Create a happy life to avoid stress. Stress can lead to weight gain. Why? When you're stressed your body makes more of a hormone that actually stores fat.

Beside that, tell your friends or family to get strong motivation.

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Thursday, October 31, 2013

Health Benefits of Acai Berry - Avoid Disaster by Following These 3 Rules of Acai Berry Weight Loss

Acai berry health benefits are proven across the world. This super-food is fast gaining popularity among health enthusiasts owing to the amazing benefits it is capable of delivering. But if you are a beginner and are hopeful of shedding weight using it, do take a look at what follows or the chances are that amid all the hype around acai berry your quest for weight loss could end up as a big disappointment.

1. Go For The Least Processed Product

While pills, juices, smoothies and powders might seem fancy and fuss free, pulp based supplements work the best owing to being least processed. If you want to loose weight at warp speed, you need to choose only those acai supplements which have been least processed.

2. Choose A Reputed Source For Your Purchase

Acai berry health benefits can be best enjoyed when you get a genuine enough product. Those fake ones would not only be devoid of any benefits, they could adversely affect your health too. Choosing an established online or offline source to buy acai berry safeguards you against any side effects or scams.

3. Judiciously Mix Acai Diet With Exercise

While most marketers try selling their product claiming it to be an easy and quick way to lose weight and how you won't have to exercise or diet while using a particular supplement, the truth remains that exercising is vital to maintenance of overall health. While acai berry would beyond doubt provide a great boost, going off your exercise regime is a bad idea and you won't be able to get optimum results in this way.

Even I was a bit hesitant before I tried out acai supplement for the first time. Sticking to these rules helped me lose around 20 pounds in a month, not to mention the immense confidence that I gained.

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Is Weight Loss Through Hypnosis Something For Everyone?

If you are looking for a great way to lose the last 10 pounds, consider weight loss through hypnosis. How does it work?

Losing weight successfully requires a multi-pronged approach. Clearly modifications in what you eat are required. But in order to maintain that weight loss and keep it off without daily, agonizing struggles over food cravings, changes in the way you think about and react to food and stressors must be learned.

Sometimes it's hard to "convince" yourself that you shouldn't have that midnight snack. Thoughts like, "It's so tempting, it's so small, it's just a little taste of chocolate" all tempt you into relapsing into your old behaviors. If there were a way that you could tip the scales in your favor and make those thoughts vanish as quickly as they came into your head, would you try it?

When I learned about weight loss through hypnosis, I knew that this was something I could try. Some people are afraid that hypnosis involves a loss of control, but nothing could be further from the truth. Hypnosis involves letting yourself drop into a state of deep relaxation in which your mind is heightened to suggestions. In this state, you learn to de-couple your emotions from your eating behavior and gain insight into your eating triggers.

By listening to my first hypnosis MP3 that I downloaded every night before bed, it helped me to reinforce the thinking and behaviors that I knew would help me. After a week of this, the thoughts were much easier to bring to the surface and my behavior felt much more "Under control" than it did before.

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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Eating a Healthy Diet For Weight Loss

Eating healthy foods is important at all ages from early childhood into young and older adulthood. Maintaining an appropriate weight is a goal that we must have throughout life. However, if your weight has ballooned past the desired weight, you are considered overweight and in extreme cases, obese.

When you carry more weight than you should, you are at higher risk for many diseases including high blood pressure, stroke, certain types of cancer, and Type 2 diabetes-all of which affect your quality of life. Committing to a healthier diet and daily physical activity will put you on the road to permanent weight loss.

The basics of weight gain and loss take into account the calories you eat and the calories you use up through physical activity. If you eat the same amount of calories than you burn, you will maintain your current weight. If you eat more calories than you burn, you will gain weight. Likewise if you eat fewer calories, you will lose weight. Therefore, what you eat has everything to do with your weight.

How do you choose foods that will help you lose pounds and keep them off?

The diet includes foods that you can eat at mealtime, when you eat out, and when you need a snack. Make a commitment to eating whole grain (as opposed to refined) foods such as bread, oatmeal, brown rice, wheat pasta.

Choose canned, fresh, frozen, or raw vegetables especially dried dark green or orange vegetables, beans, peas, cauliflower, celery, lettuce, mushroom, tomatoes, and zucchini. Most fruits and 100 percent fruit juice are also recommended.

Add to your diet low-fat or fat-free milk, yogurt, and cheese; vegetable and nut oils; and baked, broiled, and grilled lean or low-fat meats, poultry, and fish. Foods to avoid include sodas, gravies, sauces, butter, fried foods, salt, and sugar.

Losing weight is an admirable goal; however, an equally important goal is to adopt a healthy diet to prevent disease and maintain a high quality of life.

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