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Sunday, October 20, 2013

Best Weight Loss Tricks

Do you have trouble losing weight because you can never stick to a diet? If so, you're not alone. Most people who try fad diets fail, especially when they have to cut out foods they like. There are diets that work, however. Usually, successful diets incorporate more gradual life changes instead of drastically eliminating most foods. So follow these healthy lifestyle tips-they're the best tricks if you need to lose weight!

First of all, don't try to deprive yourself of anything you like. It will never last long, and you'll end up binging. So if you love chocolate cake but you know it's awful for you, don't tell yourself you can never have it. Instead, limit your cake habit to once a week and keep your portions small.

One of the best tricks is to cut down on alcohol, soda and other sugary drinks and replace these with more water. You don't have to stop drinking beer or Coke altogether, but limiting yourself to three or four servings per week will save you a bunch of calories, especially if you're used to guzzling the same amount in one day. If you can't cut back that much, try switching to ultra-light beer or diet soda. Diet soda made with Splenda doesn't taste too much different from the real thing, but it has about 100 fewer calories per serving.

Another life change you can make to lose a few pounds is to change your attitude about food. Often, we eat at designated mealtimes because that's what we think we're supposed to do. Even if we're not hungry, when lunch time rolls around, we chow down. Changing this habit can save you a lot of empty calories; it's another one of the best weight loss tricks out there. Listen to your body and eat when you're hungry. This may mean eating twice a day or six times daily; either way, if you eat when you're hungry and stop when you're full, you'll lose weight.

If you make these changes and stick to them, extra weight won't be a problem!

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