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Sunday, October 27, 2013

Hoodithin And Weight Loss - How Does It Work?

Hoodithin is a weight loss product derived from the South African desert plant hoodia gordonii. The Sans, the native tribes of South Africa, have eaten this plant to stave off hunger and thirst while journeying through the desert. The hoodia plant helped the African bushmen manage hunger for thousands of years. Now the plants appetite suppressing capabilities have recently been discovered by researchers.

In the late 90's, the South African government gave permits to a few companies, allowing them to commercially farm hoodia gordonii. Hoodia gordonii is a protected species, meaning that growers must receive special permission to farm and harvest the plant. Only a few businesses are authorized to grow this plant, so supplies of hoodia are limited.

Dieters use Hoodithin to effectively, and naturally, suppress their appetites. The native South African Hoodia plant contains chemical compounds that stave off hunger. Researchers from Brown University Medical School have performed many studies and concluded that the P57 chemical, the appetite suppressing agent found in hoodia gordonii, is safe for human consumption. Better yet, they found that hoodia does not produce ill side affects that other diet aids have been known to give, such as the jitters.

Hoodia weight loss products, like Hoodithin, work because the chemical compounds found in the plant interact with the hypothalamus, the appetite center of the brain. The compounds are stronger than glucose, the bodies usable form of energy, and make the hypothalamus think you have just eaten. The hypothalamus, in return, stops sending hunger signals, helping to keep your mind off food.

"I took my first pill in the evening, which is when I crave food. Within forty five minutes I was no longer hungry," said William R. Dixon, a user of Hoodithin.

While Hoodithin alone will not make a person lose weight, when coupled with a proper diet and exercise regimen, people have found that Hoodithin made weight loss attainable. Many Hoodithin users have stated that taking Hoodithin right before the time they are most hungry quickly silenced their stomach's calls for food, allowing them to stay out of the pantry more easily.

For More Related Topics Blog: Weight Loss Pills Fast

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